Hi! My name is Kimberly Goletz.
I am a wife, mother of 2 awesome and energetic kids, and a practicing certified Physician Assistant of more than 19 years with a degree in health sciences. in addition to being a healthcare provider, I am a certified nutritionist, and certified personal trainer with experience in class instruction, physical therapy and rehab.
I have ALWAYS been involved with health and fitness. It is my passion! It started out with class instruction and fitness training. I then began working in physical therapy which sparked my interest in healthcare. I have been a healthcare provider ever since.
In all of my years practicing medicine there is one thing that I see EVERYDAY that affects people’s lives… unhealthy lifestyles that lead to unhealthy body compositions and obesity. If a person is making unhealthy choices with their nutrition and activity, it directly affects the way the body functions. The body cannot function optimally if it is not fueled appropriately and will directly affect the way a person feels. Therefore, unhealthy lifestyle choices no only have a negative impact on the body, it affects a person’s mind and spirit.
In my opinion, if people take care of themselves, they feel better and they are happier people. Happier people directly and indirectly influence those around them with their positive energy.
On a personal note, I have never been the naturally thin girl. I have always had to be mindful of my eating and exercise. The good thing is, I really enjoy exercise!
I enjoy the feeling that I get after a great workout! it is a mental release for me.
I have, at one time or another, have pretty much done everything including marathons, half marathons, and every kind of class you can think of. Also, when I was younger, nutrition was something that I did keep an eye on but was mostly able to “work it off” with my workouts.
After I had my two children, and I was older, things changed. It wasn’t as easy as it once was. I couldn’t eat whatever I wanted and “work it off” anymore. When I was bouncing back after having babies I was doing my typical working out all the time and following a paleo/low carb diet (eating pretty healthy). Even with all of the things I was doing, I still could not get rid of that stubborn fat, especially around the midsection.
Eventually, all the workouts were catching up to me and my energy levels started plummeting, I was hungry all the time, and despite all my efforts I was gaining fat instead of losing it. My hormones were all over the place. I knew that I was pushing the limits and something had to change. (FYI, sometimes healthcare providers can be the most stubborn patients.)
Taking in my knowledge of how the body works and becoming a nutritionist, I created a program for me to follow to get back on the right track. I set a start date and followed my plan. I was exercising less and was following a macro based eating plan. I was focusing on fueling my body appropriately and found the right balance for my workouts. After 12 weeks I was amazed. I felt like a completely different person. My energy skyrocketed, I was sleeping better, I wasn’t hungry all of the time, and I was a much happier person! This wasn’t all, the stubborn fat… you know, the fat that I never thought I would ever get rid of, was gone. I really can’t describe how much better I felt other than it was life changing for me. I knew I had to help others and guide them in the right way, at their level, to reach their health and fitness goals. I created my company Refine YOU, and The Refine YOU Program. Since I have created this company and this unique program, I have loved every minute sharing Refine YOU’s mission… to help as many people as possible be the best and healthiest they can be. I have appeared at numerous speaking engagements (including news broadcasts, see below) and I have helped empower over a thousand people to reach their goals with The Refine YOU Program.
Refine your MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT.
This online program is a game changer! It is all about BALANCE and following a customized program that works for YOU and your busy lifestyle. A program that is attainable for YOU, and something YOU can continue as a lifestyle change.
The Refine YOU Program Provides:
BALANCE in your workouts - Working out enough to get the results without doing too much to negatively affect your body and causing injury.
BALANCE with your nutrition - A flexible nutrition plan that focuses on clean eating, choosing the right foods that YOU enjoy eating, and foods that will fuel your body appropriately. All this while still being able to eat out, go on vacation, and have some ice cream. You can have your cake and eat it too!
This online weight loss program and its techniques will manipulate your hormones to improve your energy, boost your metabolism, and decrease your hunger. With The Refine YOU Program you will get stronger, gain muscle, and you will target fat loss, even the stubborn kind.
Working smarter, not harder.
7 weeks.
7 weeks in your own customized weight loss program to Refine YOU with a total transformation, MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT!
P.S. My last name is Go-letz, get it?!
As seen on…
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