Week 3
Check in
I bet things are gradually getting easier for you with food tracking. Keep in mind I don't expect your nutrition to be right on the money every single day. You might be off a bit here or there on fat, protein, or carbs or maybe more than one. That's okay. The goal is to get pretty close (within 10 grams over or under).
Protein is typically the culprit. I have said this before, each meal of the day should contain at least one protein source and snacks too!
If you are consistently short on for example carbs and protein you can refer back to all the other recommendations that I have made or you can simple google "low fat protein" or "high carb protein" and you can search for some things you like to eat to work into your day. You can also search for recipes or snack ideas this way. Don’t forget about the macro cheat sheets with protein sources sheet and macro cheat sheets.
You are nearing the half-way through point. Hopefully, you are avoiding that scale and started to get used to not focusing on that number on the scale. This is not healthy for our minds. However, at the end of this week, you may hop on the scale and do measurements if you would like. The instructions on how and what you should do are on the “week 4” page. This is optional. Again, we are not dieting and focusing on rapid weight loss. We are focusing on implementing healthy habits, learning how to eat to fuel our bodies appropriately, improving our perspective on food and exercise, improving our metabolism, and our body compositions by losing fat and gaining muscle… NOT losing as much weight as possible as fast as we can. This takes time. A lot of times people don’t see much movement in the numbers even after 3 weeks but that doesn’t mean things are not happening.
Protein Powder Tips
It shouldn't be one of those things that you are forcing yourself to drink while plugging your nose. Everyone has different tastes so you need to find one that you enjoy. Here are some things for you to consider when looking for a protein shake to try…
Protein shakes come in 2 forms.
Shakes come in powder form and an already prepared shake. Buying protein powder takes more work to prepare, but it gives you more options. You can use protein powder in making baked goods, self made protein bars, smoothies, or just mixing with water to drink. Having an already prepared shake is easier and more convenient. I like to have both on hand for ease and variety.
Protein supplements come from a variety of different sources.
Whey Protein-most common, contains lactose, contains all 9 amino acids
Soy Protein- very common, can be beneficial to women in menopause and can help with osteoporosis
Egg Protein
Milk Protein
Rice Protein- 100 percent plant based (good for vegetarians)
Pea Protein-plant based
Hemp Protein-100 percent plant based, good source of omega 3 fatty acids
Some protein powders will have only one source of protein while others may combine 2-3 different sources. If you have allergies, if you are avoiding diary, or if you are a vegetarian, you should be mindful and read the label.
Tips when considering a protein powder or shake
1. Are you trying to avoid diary or gluten? If so, look at the ingredients! It may contain dairy based protein like whey and milk protein. If you are avoiding gluten look for these ingredients on the label.
2. The different protein sources have their own taste. Whey based protein will have a distinct taste, as will plant based, etc. If you have tried a couple of different shakes of one type of protein and you don't like it, try a different source altogether.
3. Look at the macro nutrients! be mindful of the carbohydrate and sugar content.
4. When you are looking for a new shake or powder, visit your local health food store. These stores typically have individual bottles or packets to purchase. Once you find ones you like, you can then order in bulk so it is less expensive.
How to use protein shakes in your diet
Let’s be honest, no one wants to drink a shake instead of having a meal for the rest of their life. That would get boring and expensive. I don’t recommend that you depend on protein shakes as a replacement for an actual meal, but as a supplement (addition). They can come in handy when you are needing a snack, have craving for something sweet, or would like a boost of protein in your smoothie, baked goods, or in overnight oats. There are plenty of ways to use protein powder or shakes to supplement your nutrition but I recommend sticking to food for all your nutritional needs as much as you can.
If I have not heard from you via email or on the Facebook group page and you are not posting your macros, I do not know how you are doing. This is okay… ONLY if you are doing well on your own and not struggling. Some people sign up for The Refine YOU Program and keep to themselves and never check in until the end when they share their awesome results. Others check in daily for accountability. It makes me nervous when I don’t hear from people, but you need to do what is comfortable for you. If you are doing well, just send me an occasional email giving me a heads up that all is good. If you are struggling and you do not let me know, there is no way for me to help you. Please email me if you still feel you are lost. We can always set up a call!
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting starts up THIS WEEK for those of you who have been approved to do this. This means you are hitting your macro goals most of the time and your are comfortable with what you are eating on a day to day basis. You need to be able to eat what you should in a full day before we shorten the eating time to only 6-8 hours. If you are not there yet, please DO NOT try intermittent fasting yet.
You will not be changing your settings or your calorie goals. You are eating the SAME just in a shorter amount of time. you might need to eat more frequently or eat more at a time.
For most of you, your first meal will be around noon and your last meal will be around 6-8pm (or whatever works best with your schedule, just eat within 6-8 hours of the day).
You will be doing this every day EXCEPT on strength days. On strength days, it is optional. You may eat before your workouts if you would like. If you do not eat, and do your strength workouts fasted, you should eat your first meal with a decent amount of carbohydrates as your first meal after your workout.
If you go over 50 calories you have technically broken the fast. Coffee, tea, bcaa's, water, etc are fine.
You will be intermittent fasting for the rest of the program if you choose to start
The best time to do your cardio is when you are fasting. If you cannot, try to do your cardio 2-3 hours after eating. If this does not work for your schedule don’t stress about it. This is just the “optimal” time.
If you HAVE TO HAVE YOUR coffee in the am and you cannot drink it black just make good choices with your additives. Avoid dairy. Limit what you put in as much as you can. There is no reason to be miserable.
If you love breakfast food and you are going to start IF, then just have breakfast for dinner sometimes! You can also have meal foods for snacks! I will sometimes just eat a chicken breast for a snack with some guacamole on top!
Health Task
Sleep plays a huge role in your health and happiness. How do you feel when you are sleep deprived? If you are like me, you have more cravings, your thinking is impaired, and you are more irritable. Sleep deprivation can lead to a vicious cycle of sugar craving and energy crashes. It will also lower your immune system and metabolism which can interfere with weight loss.
During sleep your body repairs and restores itself. It heals itself by rebuilding tissue and eliminating toxins. Sleep also regulates your hormone levels. If you do not get enough sleep, you put your body in more stress which can activate your body’s stress response. This can cause you to hold onto fat and inhibit weight loss.
Be sure you are getting enough sleep every night. Everyone needs a different amount but most studies indicate about 7 hours of sleep, but everyone is different. What amount is your sweet spot? Be honest with yourself and try to get that every night.
Routine is key-go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
Get sun exposure first thing in the am. Sit by the window while you have your morning cup of coffee.
Avoid caffeine after 3pm
Watch the sunset when possible- this helps with resetting cortisol and melatonin which are important hormones in your sleep-wake cycle.
Reduce overhead lighting in the evenings
Turn on “night mode” on your phone and reduce Blue light. I have blue light blocking glasses (with no prescription).
End screen time one hour before bed
While sleeping set your phone on airplane mode or turn it off
Mindset Task
Do you struggle with the scale? Are you constantly weighing yourself and getting frustrated? You are NOT alone in this battle. At this point in the program, about half way through, I start to get the emails. The emails stating frustration that the scale is not moving as much as you would like, or that the scale has not moved at all.
First, you need to know about fat vs. muscle!
Fat vs Muscle!
In the pic, both of these "people" are the same height and weigh the exact same. The person with more muscle and less fat is visibly smaller than the other even though the number on the scale is the exact same. This is because FAT takes up more space than muscle. If you have more FAT you will look... larger. Also, fat is less dense so the more fat you have, the more "loose" your body appears. Even skinny people can look flabby because they have more fat than muscle even though they are smaller.
The more lean muscle you have the better. It supports bone health, burns more calories at rest, as well as helping you look fit and toned. Muscle does not build by itself. You will not build much muscle by running an hour everyday. Nor do you gain muscle by severely cutting your calories. Your muscles need a certain amount of protein and carbs to grow. To help you body build lean muscle, your nutrition and your activity should support this, not hinder it.
Remember, the number on the scale may not budge, or it may go up, but the way you FEEL combined with results of other measurements can show that you are succeeding in so many ways! If the scale is not budging, especially in my program, you are most likely gaining muscle, losing fat, losing inches, and fitting into your clothes better.
I encourage you to NOT weigh yourself frequently.
This is what usually happens. A client contacts me, frustrated that they are not losing weight. I reinforce to them the importance of not weighing themselves and the importance of losing the inches, feeling better, and not focusing on the scale. At the end of the program they get back to me after the measurements are in. They are amazed that they have lost 13 inches off their body and only lost 5 lbs.
What matters most?
The scale? OR Building a strong tone body, dropping sizes in your clothing, feeling more energized, sleeping better, improving your sex drive, lowering your blood pressure/cholesterol, bettering your overall health, etc.?
Breaking up with the scale will improve your mindset in regards to your body.
Do not let the scale or unrealistic expectations rule your life and pull you away from reality! You are more than the number on the scale. You are more than a picture of someone else that you think you should look like. Your mind, body, and spirit deserves more! Once you step away from the scale and focus on what matters... the way you feel, you will gain control and a sense of satisfaction. The most important transformation that takes place is the transformation that is not visual but the one that happens in your mind and spirit.
Each week you are responsible for completing an assessment. This help you stay accountable, helps you maintain the right mindset, and helps you and I track your progress through the program.
Click the button below to complete the assessment for the end of Week 3.