Welcome, and Thank you for choosing this program to “Refine YOU!” I am excited that you have made the decision to invest in yourself and make the journey into a healthier, happier you!
This site contains all the information that you will need and will walk you through The Refine YOU Program. Please follow the steps below. These will take you through the items need prior to the start of the program in the proper order and then guide you through the program by week.
You will first begin with the Module 1 (The Welcome Page), proceed to Module 2 (The Prep Week Page), then you will go to Module 3 and complete each week until the end of The Refine YOU Program.
Libraries and Guides
Refine YOu recipe library
exercise library
All program guides
Module 1
The Welcome page
You have signed up, now its time to get acquainted with the program and to get your customized fitness and nutrition plans. The first day of the program is the first day of prep week. If you would like to work ahead and get started right away, feel free to start prep week on your own. You may also chose to wait, and participate in prep week with the rest of the group.
Module 2
The Prep week page
The first day of the Program is the first day of Prep Week. You have a whole week to prepare for the start of the program so please take advantage of this week. This will allow for a more smooth transition and, more importantly, the right mindset. The more preparation you do prior to the start of the program, the more seamless this transition will be.
Module 3
Complete Each Week 1-6
Each week below will contain your workouts for that week as well as some things to expect that week and encouragement. Workouts will be posted in these pages the end of the week prior.
By now, you should have all the information and be familiar with this client portal. You should also be connected in the Facebook group page, if you choose, for tips, support, and encouragement.
I am thrilled that you are now ready to begin your program and be on your way to the healthiest you possible!
Mind, Body, and Spirit
Week 1
Week 1 Information, Mindset task, Health Task, and Workouts
week 2
Week 2 Information, Mindset Task, Health Task, and Workouts
Week 3
Week 3 Information, Mindset Task, Health Task, and Workouts
Week 4
Week 4 Information, Mindset Task, Health Task, and Workouts
Week 5
Week 5 Information, Mindset Task, Health Task, and Workouts
Week 6
Week 6 Information, Mindset Task, Health Task, and Workouts
Last day
Congratulations! Submit your measurements and other last day tasks.