Sweet Potato Recipes
Sweet Potato Recipes
Sweet potato are one of those vegetables that you can use for just about anything. They can be made savory or sweet and they are filled with healthy complex carbs. One thing to watch out for is the macronutrients of your sweet potato recipes. Sometimes we can get carried away with all the additions like butter, sour cream or ketchup. If you are eating in a calorie deficit, it is important to measure the amount of sauces and added flavors you are putting in or onto your food. Try using sugar-free ketchup, light sour cream and low calorie butters. You would be surprised how much changing these small things can change the amount of calories you are eating.
These are all tips that I give to my clients. They learn how to make healthier choices every day. Small changes continue to stack on top of each other until your old habits are nonsexist. That is the core of The Refine YOU Program, giving you the tools you need for long term change.