Goal Setting

How to Set Goals and Be Successful

Kim Goletz, founder of the Refine YOU online weight loss program

How often have you set goals when it comes to your workouts or nutrition and have been unable to achieve them? Or, you might have achieved your goal, but you have been struggled or have been unable to maintain these results? I hear stories of people frustrated in being unable to achieve their weight loss goals or maintain them, every single day.

You are not alone.

Where did you go wrong? One of the biggest mistakes that people make is that they set a goal that is unrealistic, or they do a “diet” or “challenge” that is severely restrictive, inflexible, and a complete 180 from where they are currently in their health and fitness journey. Another mistake people make is that they choose a process that is unrealistic to maintain long term.

What works? Finding a plan that is attainable for you, realistic to maintain, flexible for you to work into your schedule, and focuses on teaching you how to implement healthy habits in your life. I emphasize “teaching.” A program that give you a strict script or menu to follow will not teach you how to eat for the rest of your life. You should be able to make the right choices with your food while you are on vacation, or out to eat, without feeling stressed. You should be able to work in the occasional indulgences without feeling guilty. This freedom and flexibility is empowering!

When making changes in your life, no matter what they may be, focus on setting a small goal or implementing a small habit more frequently.
No matter what your goal or habit may be it should be...

💙Written Down

💚Specific and/or measurable

💜Have a deadline



Instead of saying, "I want to lose weight" or "I am going to eat healthy" set a realistic and specific goal with a deadline. "I want to lose one pound per week for 4 weeks" or "I am going to eat a serving of vegetables for every lunch and dinner for a week."

Setting goals like this, as small as they may be, and achieving them routinely will give your attitude and spirit a boost and will leave you wanting more! Never stop improving yourself and setting goals! There is always room for improvement, no one is perfect!

When it comes to weight loss, I find that people most often it is an all or nothing mentality. A severely restrictive plan to achieve a very aggressive goal. It is very frustrating fail each and every time. No wonder people give up on themselves. The key is finding the right balance. Setting smaller attainable goals or habits more frequently will allow you to meet each goal or work these habits into your life gradually. After you meet your goal or have maintained the habit for a few weeks, then you can set a new one. It is beneficial to find a program that is not severely restrictive and one that allows you to gradually work this into your life as a lifestyle, not a quick fix (all or nothing) program.

If you would like to improve your health, nutrition, fitness, or body composition and would like someone to guide you and give you support and accountability, The Refine YOU Program will give you a customized nutrition and fitness program to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Click here for more information. We would love to help you be the best you can be and Be the Healthiest YOU possible!

Goal Setting