More evidence supporting Intermittent Fasting

I wanted to share with you the results of a study that has just been published by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers in the journal Nutrition and Healthy Aging. Click here to go to the article.

The study demonstrates that daily fasting is an effective weight loss technique.
This is not the first study, nor the last, that shows the benefits of intermittent fasting. (I don't like using "weight loss" but that is what is used in the study. That is a story for another day.)

In a nutshell, this study was performed on overweight people (average BMI of 35), and just restricted their eating schedule to eating for 8 hours a day and fasting for 16 hours a day. It did NOT restrict what kinds of food they were eating. Just by shortening the amount of time they could eat, helped them lose weight because they were eating less. It was also easier for them to stick to it vs. other fasting techniques.

Obviously, I do not recommend this strategy... eating whatever you want, a bunch of pizza, ice cream, chips, etc. and then fasting the rest of the time. But, it does show that daily fasting, on its own, is a good tool to use in weight loss. 

Intermittent fasting is basically an eating schedule. The clients in my program strategically start intermittent fasting, at just the right time, and eat on this exact schedule... eat for 8 hrs a day and fast for 16 hours. 

Just Imagine... taking this eating schedule (intermittent fasting), and combining it with:
IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)
Strategic customized workouts
You've got it! The best bang for your effort!

Sound too difficult? It isn't, if it is done correctly.
Think you'll be HANGRY? You won't be, if it is done correctly.

If you want to learn more about intermittent fasting and other health benifits of IF check out this video I did awhile back.

If you would like help implementing intermittent fasting or any of the other strategies mentioned into your lifestyle feel free to reach out! You can also visit for more information about these techniques and how they may be the answer you have been looking for.

Talk to ya soon!
